I went to Annecy yesterday, it was short and sweet. Because of the dumb strikes, there were many less trains going. We planned on having about 6 hours there, getting there about one and leaving at seven, but these trains were not running. The soonest we could get there was 2, and then the last train back was at 5. This was too bad because it was really beautiful, but I got to see all that I wanted to. There is a pretty lake, pretty town, a castle, mountians in the backgroud- pretty much about all you could ask for. The lake is the cleanest one in Europe I heard. If we would have haed more time I would have loved to rent a paddle boat or just hang out in the park- oh well. French people really know how to get good use out of their parks. There are always so many people laying around and playing sports- it seems they use them much more than Americans do.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Beautiful spring days in France
I went to Annecy yesterday, it was short and sweet. Because of the dumb strikes, there were many less trains going. We planned on having about 6 hours there, getting there about one and leaving at seven, but these trains were not running. The soonest we could get there was 2, and then the last train back was at 5. This was too bad because it was really beautiful, but I got to see all that I wanted to. There is a pretty lake, pretty town, a castle, mountians in the backgroud- pretty much about all you could ask for. The lake is the cleanest one in Europe I heard. If we would have haed more time I would have loved to rent a paddle boat or just hang out in the park- oh well. French people really know how to get good use out of their parks. There are always so many people laying around and playing sports- it seems they use them much more than Americans do.
Friday, April 16, 2010
its been a while
Sunday, April 11, 2010
lots of pictures!
Top of Duomo
Friday, April 9, 2010
I got into Rome on Friday and visited the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palentine Hill. There were so many ancient Roman ruins, it was really interesting! My friend Kimberly didn't meet up until Saturday though, and although it was very interesting, I learned that I much prefer traveling with people!
Saturday we decided to head to the Vatican after Kimberly came. We headed in and wanted to visit the Vatican museums with the Sistine Chapel. It said though, that it was closed at 12:30 on Saturday, and since it was Easter weekend, it was also closed on Sunday and Monday, and we would have been gone by then. This is my one regret of the whole trip, that I didn't get to see the Sistine Chapel. Also, we could not get into St. Peter's Basilica because they were setting up for the Mass that night. We walked around the streets and got some gelato, and then went to sit on the steps of the square. We decided to wait and watch the mass on TV because there were people lining up for mass about 3-4 hours in advance! Write as people were going in, a couple came and offered us their tickets. We decided why not and went to the Easter Vigil in the Vatican! It was very cool and the Pope came to baptise the new people and do thier first communion and confirmation. The Basilica was awesome and it was just a fun night!
Sunday it was rainy, but we still did a lot. We visited the Spanish steps and threw our coins into the Trevi Fountain. After this, we just walked around and discovered so many beautiful Churches. All you have to do is walk around and you'll find something in Rome. We eventually found a really cool park and walked around in that looking at the statues too. That night we had a really nice dinner outside.
Monday morning we headed by train to Florence. There, my friend Sid picked us up from the train station and told us where to go. We were planning on going to the museums that day and spending the next day with him. Then as we headed to our first museum, we realized that all of the museums are closed on Mondays! So we had to come up with something else to do. There is a really awesome cathedral that we went in, and then we took a tour up to the top of the duomo (dome). In the dome there was a really amazing painting of The Last Judgement, it was incredible, and we were up so high and the view was amazing.
Tuesday we went to see where my friend Sid had been living for the semester. I didn't realize that he has been living in a castle- but he definitely has been! Their school's program has a villa, which is just like a castle. They live and have class in there, there is a personal chef, and they have huge gardens- it's so cool! We started off the morning by hiking through the Tuscan hills and finding some waterfalls. It was really beautiful and really cool to see the not so touristy things. We ate some great lunch with him cooked by their personal chef, and then Kimberly and I set out to do all we had planned to do the day before while Sid went to class. We first went to the Boboli gardens which are really expansive and pretty gardens. Then we went to the museum with the statue of David. It was amazing I had no idea. First of all, it was a lot bigger than I expected. It also was soo human-like I am still amazed how he got stone to look like that. There were vains, wrinkles in his skin, fingernail beds, everything that a human had I expected him to walk off the platform. We spent our last night hanging out with Sid at his castle : ) after a very yummy dinner of course.
Wednesday was a day of traveling- alllllll dayyyy longggg to get back. I got back about 12:30 am.
Thursday I had a creme brulee lesson with the host dad of one of the students. It was very fun and I'm glad I know how to make it now.
Today, I was planning on going to Dijon for the weekend with some friends. However, there has been a strike with the trains, and there are no trains to Dijon! It is a huge bummer and I am really hoping that we can leave early in the morning, although they would not sell us tickets because they just did not know. Strikes are sooo annoying, they also made me 45 minutes late to class!
So hopefully this will be my last post until Sunday, because then that means that I will be in Dijon tomorrow. I will put pictures from Italy up soon!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Off to Italy
The past couple days I have just been getting ready and looking up what I want to do...if you have any suggestions write them in the comments. Today I went to a friend's apartment after class to eat lunch. She is Chinese and wanted to prepare a meal for a couple of us from class. It was pretty good there was egg/tomato things, peppers, and some soup with pig skin or something, I didn't eat that. I like food, but Chinese food isn't totally my thing, although it was pretty good and very fun.
I then came back to pack my bags and that is what I'm doing tonight and then going to bed early. I'm excited and hope it all goes smoothly!
See ya next week!
Monday, March 29, 2010
After class I grabbed a hot dog, yes American. But what is not American is the fact that it is stuffed into a baguette which is so so good.
I then went up to the Bastille again for a work out and my legs hurt now! It was an extremely nice day and very pretty out and I'm mad I forgot my camera. After I sat in the park, ate a crepe, and read "le petit prince" a book which Mary gave me which I have not yet read yet. It was a very fun Frenchy afternoon.
For dinner we had couscous, and we discussed what my host family does for Easter (paques). It is nothing religious to at least my host family. They are going to decorate eggs, and here they have chocolate eggs with stuff inside rather than plastic eggs with candy inside. Also, she talked about how she would make tiny little holes in each side of the egg, empty the egg, then refill it with chocolate filling, then decorate the egg. They will also decorate hardboiled eggs and when the kids find them they have to see if its chocolate or not. Sounds kind of fun. However, she showed me how to empty the egg...VERY HARD! I broke the first one and succeeded with the second one. We made little tiny holes in each side and then you have to blow all the insides out of the egg. Pretty interesting.
Now I am going to catch up on some stuff and start my new class tomorrow afternoon. I'm also still preparing for Italy! I'm planning on eating lots of pizza and pasta and am very excited!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Not much new
This afternoon I went to La Rafle. It was a very good movie, although that is hard to say because it was not very fun to watch. It was about the many Jews that got arrested and sent to concentration camps by French police who were Nazi accomplices. It was a very powerful movie and it was all true, even the family that it followed was a real family. I am glad I saw it, although it was very sad.
Tomorrow I will probably have lunch at a friends house (sometimes people bring some things to eat and make it all there) it is easier than going to try to get an entire meal on our own since nothing is open on Sunday!
So really nothing new with the rain, just a relaxing weekend
Au revoir!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Geneve and crepes
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Me and my family (mom, dad, sister, brother, grandma, and great-aunt) all had a WONDERFUL time when they came to visit. Brief summary: We went to Paris, stayed near the Eiffel Tower. We visited Versailles, climbed to the top of Notre Dame, saw Saint Chappelle, visited the archeological crypte, many other fun things! One of the best things was going up the Eiffel tower on a really nice night. Then Wednesday we went to Grenoble. It was beautiful out and there were so many people out! We ate outside at a place here called place de la Grenette. Its a bunch of cafes where you can eat outside, and its very fun. We walked around town a little and then that night we went to visit my house and have dinner with my host family which was fun! Thursday was one of our best days, we hiked to the top of the mountain (where the Bastille is). It was tough but we made it and it was fun, we treated ourselves to some Haagen Dazs before going to get ready for our fancy dinner. We then took the telepherique (ski lift type thing) up to the Bastille and had a really fancy dinner at a really fancy restaurant. It was all good and beautiful looking down at the city with the lights and really fun. The next day we went back to Paris and visited the Louvre. Saturday mom, Madison and I went to Champs-Elysees to look at the shops while dad and Isaac went to the Catacombs. We then met back up at Mont Martre and went to the Sacre Coeur.
It was a fun and tiring trip!
This week I have just been catching up on school work...yesterday I went to a movie for 3.50 euros (it is this film festival going on right now). It was pretty funny. Today it was very nice out so I just walked around and explored town for the entire afternoon, sat at a cafe, ate a waffle- French life is good like that.
Friday I'm going to Geneva, Switzerland so I'm excited about that! Tomorrow I'm going to a creperie to eat crepes for dinner with some of my classmates!
A bientot!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Arrival in Paris
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Monday I went to class and did some errands. Tuesday, we went to the opera. It was well done, but very hot and very long and I couldn't understand what they were saying, so I left at intermission and I still didn't get home until 11:30.
Yesterday I went to class again and did homework. I have really just been doing life, school homework, etc.
I am getting ready to leave for Paris tomorrow though! I am very excited and don't know if I will blog until I next Sunday. My family is coming and it will be great! We're coming back to Grenoble Wed-Friday.
Sorry its boring!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
Dedicated to food, do not read this if hungry : )
This is me trying and kind of failing to flip a crepe...
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
New Class
Today I also had class all afternoon. I do like my new teacher though, and we have been learning some good stuff. There was a big storm in the west of France with lots of flooding and lots of deaths, so we have been talking about weather vocaulary. Not really up my alley talking about all of these bad weather things, but oh well. We've watched some interesting video with pictures taken by Yann Arthus-Bertrand who is the most famous photographer in France right now. His specialty is taking pictures from the sky, it was very pretty.
I'm not sure what my plans are for tonight yet...tomorrow I am taking a French cooking class which I am very excited about!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Here are some more pictures from the weekend:
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday I went to St. Pierre de Chartreuse, a ski resort on the Chartreuse mountain range. We took a bus up about an hour, got our skis, and took the ski lift up. It is huge, there were so many moutnains and hills. There was even a second ski lift to go up after you got to the top, but we didn't go there. We just went for a half day because today I went snowshoing! I am hopefully going to go skiing again on Saturday on a different mountain.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Finally Friday!
Yesterday I went to the debate in English, and it was pretty interesting. It was a good time, wasn't too serious, just students practicing their English. Then we went out to dinner afterward. In France dinners take a long time, we got to the restaurant at about 9:00 pm and I got back just before midnight.
Today was a really fun day of class, it was the last day and the grades were already given, so while we learned we also just talked about interesting things. The Chinese and Mongolian students gave us a little lesson on how to write in their language- very interesting! Also, the girl from Spain made a cake. After class, I went to a discount sporting goods store and bought a pair of boots for snow shoeing on Sunday, which I am doing with the CUEF (my school). I'm really really hoping that we will get to go, but the forecast says its going to rain all day, so we'll see. Tomorrow, for a half a day I'm going skiing with some friends, I'm really excited! Were meeting this afternoon to plan...it should be fun! I have to go soon, because even though skiing season goes into spring here, the snow starts melting on the lower mountains and then you have to go up higher where its icy, only for the good skiers. Hopefully if I enjoy myself I will get the chance to go next weekend as well.
Thats all, I'm looking forward to the weekend.
Miss you all!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Typical Grenoble week
Last night we went to the Grenoble hockey game and it ws very fun! They won 8 to 2 and the crowd really got into it. It was a fun time. I just got home from school and was going to go on a jog with some of the other girls, but on my way home it started pouring...so I think I will be doing my homework this afternoon.
Tomorrow there is a debate of French students in English. They ask for English speaking students to come help out. I'm going, and for the first time I think I'm going to sit in the audience since I really don't know how it works, but that should be interesting. It is a way to meet French students.
Thats all for now, It's just getting very busy at school and I am exhausted! I might go take a nap...
Bonne journee!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Happy Monday
It has been a couple days because I have been without internet- that sucks! I have figured out a temporary way right now to have it.
Je suis très heureuse aujourd’hui (I am very happy today). I had a good class and the weather is absolutely gorgeous! I am sitting out on the balcony writing this right now looking at the mountains. It’s very nice : ) Also, my mom sent me a care package which I received today which consists of a chex mix mix, rice krispie roll-ups and microwave popcorn! THANKS MOM!
Not too much has happened since last time. Saturday it was raining in Lyon, so instead I went to the “gare” (train station) to get a 12-25 pass which gets me discounts on train tickets. Then I went to a café and did homework. That night I went to my Brazilian friend’s apartment. There were two other girls from class though and we met her Brazilian friends who were all very nice! It was a fun night.
Yesterday I ran, sat outside, and did homework all day. There is really nothing to do here on Sundays!
Just all of you in Iowa know, its 63 degrees right now! (feels a little colder with the wind though) I was thinking of walking up to the Bastille, but I went and bought train tickets to Paris, then had to go back to school to pick up hockey tickets, and then I came back here to change and by now it’s getting really windy and appears that it’s going to rain (which is in the forecast), so I think I’m going to stay in and do that on Wednesday. You know how I am about getting stuck in storms. I’ve already done a lot of going back and forth today. Here time for travel takes so much longer. So nothing different is going on except that I’m starting to think of some plans about travel s. Tomorrow I’m going to a hockey game with the AIFS group, and that should be fun. Supposedly hockey is a really big deal here.
Au revoir!
Friday, February 19, 2010
more or Nice!
"On of the most beautiful panoramas of the world"
Yesterday I went to class, which I now have to catch up in, and came back and bought some food. Then Nathalie's friend Jacques (who I kareoked with) came over for dinner and we ate fondue- it was SOO good. It is melted cheese in a pot and we had bread and steamed vegetables that we put on a stick and dip it in the cheese.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
My amazing trip to the Cote d'Azur
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Last post this week
I went to lunch with 2 friends who are still here for the break and then we went to the mall. It was very busy because it is Saturday and there is only one mall here and its cold out. It was a big mall, and everything is very stylish here.
After I got back, I packed and cleaned and waited for dinner which was not served until almost 9...I was starving! It was eggplant and tomatoes cooked with mozzeralla, pretty good. Not as filling as other things though, and I was very hungry. Yesterday I made a cake, Nathalie had me make it by myself. It was 5 spoonfuls of flour, 4 spoonfuls of sugar, 3 spoonfuls of oil, 2 spoonfuls of something I can't remember and 1 egg...hence the name- 5-4-3-2-1 cake. It was okay, we added some almonds to it. We have made 2 cakes and neither time I have eaten it with frosting, its much better with frosting though. I pretty muched finished the entire jar of Nutella by myself in the first 2 weeks here...she bought a new one yesterday, pointed to it and said, look what I got for you! She bought the generic brand though probably thinking I will go through many jars this semester. Nutella is really one of the best things ever created...you can eat it with anything for any meal.
Tomorrow is Nice! I won't have my computer so I won't be able to post until at least Wednesday night or Thursday...I'm very excited although I don't know what to expect!
I know you all won't know what to do if you can't read this everyday, so just google French Riveria and imagine what I would say about it- its going to be amazing!
Au revior!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Merci a Dieu, c'est vendredi (TGIF)

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Une tempete de neige
Well today was actually quite boring. School was challenging, we had a new teacher today. We are learning about thread- really, like the words for knot and untangle, and all that, also there are a lot of expressions that the French use with the word thread (un fil). Kind of weird, maybe it will be useful though.
Then I went into town after school but the weather is pretty terrible here. There was a decent amount of snow, but the snow makes the people go crazy here so the traffic was awful and the tram was running really slow so I just decided to go home since it was too cold. I have not done much else, but now have to get started on my homework.
Tomorrow, I think I'm going to sit on my butt at a cafe all afternoon and eat pastries and drink hot chocolate and wait out this bad weather. Saturday I think I'm going to the one shopping mall here. I wanted to travel around and explore maybe, but it is just really not good weather for traveling right now. Then Sunday is Nice! But I heard it is snowing there which is a really big deal because I guess it never snows there, so we will see how that is..
Okay off to do my homework! bon soir!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Musee Dauphinois
Because the Grenoblois of the past who lived in the mountains only made bread once a year, by the end of the year it would be really hard so they had to smash it with this. Either that or they would grate the bread.
I had really good discussions with Nathalie tonight, I got a lot of talking and conversation in so thats good. We had a tart with spinach and goat cheese, and it was REALLY good. I didn't think that I liked either of these things but when baked together and put on a buttery crust it is really good : )
Well thats all!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Here is a very yummy potato gratin called "gratin dauphinois", very famous in the Grenoble region where it comes from (an hour east of Lyon, at the foot of the Alps).
Heres a picture of my room