Monday, February 22, 2010

Happy Monday

It has been a couple days because I have been without internet- that sucks! I have figured out a temporary way right now to have it.

Je suis très heureuse aujourd’hui (I am very happy today). I had a good class and the weather is absolutely gorgeous! I am sitting out on the balcony writing this right now looking at the mountains. It’s very nice : ) Also, my mom sent me a care package which I received today which consists of a chex mix mix, rice krispie roll-ups and microwave popcorn! THANKS MOM!

Not too much has happened since last time. Saturday it was raining in Lyon, so instead I went to the “gare” (train station) to get a 12-25 pass which gets me discounts on train tickets. Then I went to a café and did homework. That night I went to my Brazilian friend’s apartment. There were two other girls from class though and we met her Brazilian friends who were all very nice! It was a fun night.

Yesterday I ran, sat outside, and did homework all day. There is really nothing to do here on Sundays!

Just all of you in Iowa know, its 63 degrees right now! (feels a little colder with the wind though) I was thinking of walking up to the Bastille, but I went and bought train tickets to Paris, then had to go back to school to pick up hockey tickets, and then I came back here to change and by now it’s getting really windy and appears that it’s going to rain (which is in the forecast), so I think I’m going to stay in and do that on Wednesday. You know how I am about getting stuck in storms. I’ve already done a lot of going back and forth today. Here time for travel takes so much longer. So nothing different is going on except that I’m starting to think of some plans about travel s. Tomorrow I’m going to a hockey game with the AIFS group, and that should be fun. Supposedly hockey is a really big deal here.

Au revoir!


  1. You're welcome! Make sure you share..13 pounds of yummies should not be consumed alone :) Love you.

  2. Brittan,

    J'ai faim pour rice krispie rollups. Ta mère m'a donné d'en mais je les ai tous mangé.

    Je suis très heureuse que il fait beau là. As-tu regardé le hockey en TV à Les Jeux Olympiques d'hiver? Les États-Unis ont gagné le match.

    Nous avons un "mission" à l'église. Nous avons deux exposés tous les jours. Cet dura jusqu'à mercredi soir.

    Il fait froid ici mais le soleil brille.

    Au revoir!

  3. Brittan - I think I gain a pound everytime I read your posts. It sounds like you had a nice trip. I am thinking that I may make a trip to CF just to hug Madison. She is having a really hard time feeling like your Mom loves you SO much more then her. I heard she has not eaten for weeks and she has been wearing the same clothes for days and has not showered since you left. But then I actually heard that your Mom is actually not allowing Madison food becasue she is missing you so much and she is taking it out on Madison. So Madison says that your Mom is only making your favorite things and only sleeping in your bed and only looking at your baby pictures. I heard Issac is doing ok with it all, but Madison is not as tough. I ACTUALLY heard that they may just leave Madison home from the trip and let me take her place. That would be so fantasic. I am sure that Madison will get over it someday. Who knew that you being gone could cause such a fuss. Wow, when i dont focus I can sure carry on and on...that was a good story. On a real note, Jeff grandma died today. Totally unexpected. She had pheunomia I guess the last couple of days. That stinks. We missed the big old snow storm we were supposed to get - thank God. Are you watching the Olympics? I have to go to Minneapolis for work for a couple days this week. I am not a fan of traveling. I wish I could just be home. Ok, gotta hit the hay. You should text Madison and tell her your love her....just to be nice. Miss you lots.
