Thursday, February 18, 2010

My amazing trip to the Cote d'Azur

I got back at one am this morning from my trip. I am extremely tired from 3 and a half long yet great days!
I'll just start at the beginning...
After 6 hours in a bus, we went to dinner Sunday night with the entire group, there were probably about 35-40 people from all over the world...I think we counted 15 nationalities. There was a girl from my class who went on this trip from Brazil, she introduced me to her American friend, who then introduced me to her American friend, and that is pretty much who I spent most of my time with- I know lots of Americans, but they were really nice! Also, I met a girl from Finland and spent a lot of time with her as well. So I met some really great people on this trip.

(Me and the view on the way to Monaco)

Monday morning we set off for Monaco, on the way to Monaco, we decided to stop at the village of Ese, considered the prettiest city of the coast. This is the region that is the capital of perfumes. The weather is perfect for all flowers to grow all year round. So in Ese we stopped at a perfume museum which was very interesting, there you can also make your own perfume. There was also a little village within a castle there which is one of the coolest things I have ever seen!

Then we went to Monaco where me and my Finland friend (Kaisa) went around the oceanographic museum. There was a very cool aquarium. Then we went to through the gardens where they have all types of plants. Here they grow every type of plant in the world here because of the great climate. We then went to the Monte Carlo. This is a very famous and ritzy casino. All the cars are very expensive all the shops/restaurants/hotels are very expensive. It was kind of weird but interesting to see. After our day in Monaco, we got dinner and I was so tired because of the long day.

Tuesday morning we got up early and went to Cannes. Cannes is a very pretty place, there is the beach as well with really pretty and ritzy hotels. Then there is the palace where the film festival is held, although not that interesting while the film festival is not taking place.

Tuesday afternoon we went to Carnavel in Nice. Included in our trip were seats to the parade. There are paid seats and paid standing places, but we had really good seats. This was unlike anything I've ever seen before. The floats were HUGE and everybody was really excited. There was confetti everywhere it was very fun. Tuesday night with my friends we went to a restaurant and had a really nice meal. We all ordered from the menu (which is not just a menu like in Enlish) For a set price, there is an appetizer, main meal, and dessert. There are only so many of each category that you can choose from. You can also order a la carte (just order something you want) but it was fun to be French for a night. It was REALLY good dinner.
Me and my new friends at dinner!

This is just to show you what Carnaval was like...

I will explain Wednesday tomorrow because I have a lot of cleaning/unpacking/homework to do right look back to see what I did on the final day of my vacation!


  1. Salut, Brittan

    Tu m’ai manquée. Ton voyage était merveilleux. J'aime les photos et le video.

    J’ai allée au supermarché aujourd’hui et j’ai acheté du nutella. Je n’ai jamais ça gouté. Ça a un gôut délicieux.

    J’étudie le français tous les jours. Je ne comprends pas quand on parle en français, encore. Je comprends quand on écrit en français.

    Nous avons des chambres à Grenoble. Elles sont dans un bon site. L’appartement en Paris serait merveilleux.

    Á bientôt.

  2. Hi Brit - I totally missed your posts. It sounds like you had such a good time. Mary's posts drive me batty! I hope you are taking lots of pictures. I have decided I want you to bring me home your VERY favorite food. (only if you can) So, if it is a little thing at a little shop somewhere and you taste it today and you are about to leave and you go back that place to have it once more and then buy me one. I hope it would stay good. All your food stories make me want to eat. You really need to stop that. I am so glad you are having fun. I so wish I was going to visit you. Did I tell you that I was not invited and I am still pouting about that?? Ok, since I screwed up and did not post last night I will go post on your new one as well. Miss you!
