Monday, March 8, 2010


Well yesterday we went to Vizille, and it snowed all day! It was actually very pretty in the snow, but it was a shame because there are many pretty gardens that would have been fun to enjoy. It is only about 20 minutes from here so I am definitely going back in April when its nice out for a picnic or something.

Inside the Chateau de Vizille is a museum of the French Revolution...why? Because the French Revolution really started in Grenoble, not in Paris. Grenoble is known to be a town that is more left wing and known for rebelling, and it was at this chateau where everybody met and planned out how they were going to begin the revolution. They decided who was going to go onto Paris during this meeting.
We were supposed to go to a Grenoble soccer game after this, but it was too cold and snowy and the Grenoble soccer team is apparantly really I decided to go to a movie with some friends instead.
In all, it was a very good weekend!
Today it was cold as well, but at least sunny! We were supposed to have a laser tag tournament at 5:30; turns out our team "captain" told us the wrong time so I wasn't able to go. Tomorrow I am going to an opera. It should be interesting, I've never been to one before. It starts at 8:30 pm and I have heard doens't get out until almost midnight...


  1. I'm getting worried from your posts here. I think I may need to rething what I was going to pack, I wasn't planning on bringing my winter coat! You better do something about that snow fast, I am NOT traveling to snow for spring break!!

  2. Salut, Brittan

    J'aimerais voir l'opéra. Est-ce que il est en français ou en italien?

    Je suis d'accord avec ta mère. J'espère que le temps fait beau et chaud quand nous sommes là.

    Quatre jours jusqu'à nous partirons ici!

  3. Hi Brit - sorry I never got to you yesterday. I have been really busy at work. We had Jacy's conferences at school today. It went really great. She is doing awesome! Then we let her pick where she wanted to go eat and she picked mcy D's (puke) but I had a really great salad actually. Then we had to go to her PTO meeting. It was a busy night. We put a new lamp and end table in her room tonight and she read for like 45 minutes and loved it. I need to get a lamp that can attach to her bunk bed so she has more light on the inside but I dont know where to find one. Sounds like you are having fun there. Are you so excited for your visitors?? Miss you!
