Sunday, February 28, 2010


Well this weekend was awesome and tiring!

Saturday I went to St. Pierre de Chartreuse, a ski resort on the Chartreuse mountain range. We took a bus up about an hour, got our skis, and took the ski lift up. It is huge, there were so many moutnains and hills. There was even a second ski lift to go up after you got to the top, but we didn't go there. We just went for a half day because today I went snowshoing! I am hopefully going to go skiing again on Saturday on a different mountain.

Snowshoeing was awesome, but I am SOOOOO tired and my legs really hurt. I have never been up that high and never seen anything like that. The day started out raining which was a bummer, but by the time we actually got to the top to start walking, the rain had stopped. The sun even popped out a few times. I left my house at 7am and got back at 8pm. Total, we walked from 10:45-5:15...that's a long time! We hiked up some really steep mountains and made it to the top of the Vercors mountain for the most amazing view I've ever seen. We got to see the rest of the mountain range, and all of Grenoble down was SOO COOL! I didn't know what to expect, but I honestly expected to wear rackets on our feet, its a little more modern now which is good:

Because of the rock this mountain is made of, there are little holes throughout the mountain. Because of this, the rain goes through the holes, so there is no source of water at all on this mountian...normally there is a lake or something. Instead, the water goes through the holes and there are caves under the mountain. We saw people with hard hats and lights trying to find caves. They had big sticks and were looking for holes. There is a famous one, Les Grottes (caves) de Choranche, where there is a tour of the caves and it looks really cool, so I am planning on visiting that.

I don't have much else to say about snowshoeing is that it was unlike anything I've ever done (I have never really been in the mountains) and now I am absolutely exhausted! My legs are going to be very sore tomorrow...

These pictures really don't do justice. (the right is a picture of Grenoble)

A demain!


  1. Brittan,

    Je suis heureuse que tu a s'amusé cet week-end. Tes photos sont très bons.

    Je suis allée à la ferme hier. J'ai vu ton père et ton mère et ton frère. Nous avons parlé de notre voyage. Peux-tu dormir dans l'avion?

    Je suis très heureuse que tu seras à l'aéroport quand nous arriverons.

    Nous te verrons dans douze jours!

    P.S. I don't know whether to use dans, à or en.

  2. WOW, I can't wait! You may want to take some ibuprofen in the morning for your legs? Dad's thinking he may need 1/2 a skiing day in the mountains with you.

  3. Hi Brit - that looks SO fun. I have never ever skied. I think the that shoe thing looks mor fun although i would love to try both someday. What an awesome expereince you are getting. I am so happy for you. Last night we went to dinner at some friends house and the kids played there too. Then today we went to church and both girls had a friend over for a play date. In the afternoon we took all the kids to the University of Iowa Women's gymnastics meet at the Field House. It was SO cool. They loved it. They lost to Minnesota by .4 points. It was a bummer that they lost but they loved seeing the big girls. Tonght we had to teach our class it church. It went good but I am really tired. Ok, I am going to bed. Have a great week! Miss you much.
