Saturday, March 6, 2010


I love Lyon! It is an awesome city! I went their with my Spanish friend from class and her friend. It went smoothly, it was a great day, we were not rushed and just enjoyed ourselves!

Our train (about 1.5 hours) got to the station about 10 am. We bought a ticket for the tram/metro system for the day because we knew we would want take the funicular (little train car thing) to go up to the top of the hill where there is a cathdral. It was really easy just to take the metro over to the center of town, where we then took the funicular. It was really sunny and nice at the top of the hill (although a bit chilly today). We went into 2 cathedrals. One was very beautiful: La Basilique de Notre Dame de Fourviere. We also saw the ancient Roman ruins, 2 ampitheaters. We hung around there for a bit, took in the sunlight and enjoyed the view. We bumped into another friend from class, Ting-Ting who was there with her mom visiting. After we got down we saw them again, after we got done eating we saw them again! It was pretty funny.

Then we went down and had a gread lunch! It is the gastronomic capitial of France...There are so many restaurants its unbelievable. I read that it has more restaurants per block than any other city. We ate at a very cute place and ordered the menu (when you pick 3 different courses). I first started out with a goat cheese salad which was amazing, and then had sirloin with pasta covered in cheese from the region, I cannot remember the name! And then delicious chocolate cake of course. We were at the restaurant for a few hours, that is how they do it here. It was a very good time, just sitting and enjoying good food.

After that it got very cold and even started snowing a bit. We went to Vieux Lyon (Old Lyon) The architecture there is very very cool, and they have little passageways inside inbetween the buildings that gets you to very cute and colorful apartments. I've never been to Italy, but to me it seemed very Italien. Many of the staircases were on the outside which I think is Italien. It was very fun to walk around this really pretty part of town.


  1. Brittan,

    Je suis heureuse que tu as allée à Lyon. J'aimerais y aller. J'ai lu sur internet de le Chemin de Fer de La Mure mais il n'est pas ouvert en mars!

    Peyton m'appelé aujourd'hui. Il est malade. Il a mal à la gorge (strep throat). Ils ne pourraient pas venir me visiter aujourd'hui. Il a dit "Amuse-toi bien en France."

    Il fait beau ici aujourd'hui.

    Amuse-toi à le Chateau de Vizilles et le match.

    Six jours!!!

  2. Wow - you're really into this goat cheese! I don't know that I'll be as daring as you are with my food choices when I get there?

  3. Hi Brittan - what a fun day you had. I was BUSY here. Jeff and Jacy had their derby car race. She got the award for the slowest car. I guess something was wrong with one of the wheels so it would not roll right. She was happy to get some award anyway. Then we watched my friend Lori's three boys all day becasue her husband was gone and she had to take a test for her masters program. Jeff fed the baby and got him to sleep. I think it was a good plot for having another kidos!!!! Just kidding. It was fun though. The kids all played good together. Then when they left Jeff had to go to somewhere and play in a basketbal tournament. They won. After dinner I took the girls and we went to a play at the Englert Theatre in Iowa City. It was something like Madison would be in I think...but most all of the kids were like high school age. It was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. It was really good but it was long. The girls were tired. We have nothing planned for tomorrow except church and rght after church we have a chilli cook off there to raise money for the kids at church. I made some chilli, I am not sure if it will be any good but oh well. Ok, Jeff and I are watching a movie. I asked him to get a girly movie and he came home with something called "The Informant". It has Matt Damen in it. I like it so far. Ill let you know tomorrow. Ok, talk to you later. I bet you are excited to have everyone come and visit. Miss you.

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