Friday, March 5, 2010

Dedicated to food, do not read this if hungry : )

Today was an amazing day, if only because I discovered a place called, The Waffle House (yes in English) In France, along with crepes, another popular dessert to eat are big waffles (or gauffres). I had one of these from the waffle house, with Nutella on it. I have had gauffres before, they have been kind of hard and crunchy, but good. At the waffle house, I saw them making the waffles with the dough by hand, it had just come out of the waffle maker, it was soft and hot and it was probably the best thing I've ever eaten in my life! Also, I saw that they had a Nutella milkashake, something that I will be trying soon.

I just thought that should be first in the blog. I know I haven't been keeping up very well- I will try to write more frequently!

Last night, I had my first ever French cooking class. It was VERY fun and I learned some good things I can take back with me to the states. We started out with a salad, with deviled eggs (the mayonaisse inside we made from scratch!) It was very very good. Then we had a gratin cauliflowers...Baked cauliflower with a sauce, it was very good too, who new cauliflower could taste so good! Along with that we had chicken (the ladie's house we went to had chickens, so the chicken and the eggs we used were all from her backyard). We breaded the chicken by hand, first dipped it in butter and then crumbled bread and dipped it in that. And then we had cheese of course and then crepes! My part was the crepes and the ingredients inside the crepes. We put honey, chocolate, and apples inside the crepes. I cut the apples, cooked them in butter until they got really soft, and then put sugar on them. The chocolate we made by putting a chocolate bar in a bowl with water, NOT STIRRING THEM (somebody made this mistake) and then putting it in the microwave for 3 minutes and dumping the water out without mixing the chocolate and water, add some butter, stir, yum. It was a great time and really great French food.

Cheese bread and wine, very French.

Today after class I went to the Foire du printemps. It is in a big building and kind of like a home show ...we thought it was more like a market but it was still fun. There were lots of pools and hottubs and furniture and decks being sold, but there was also a huge room with many many reptiles to look at, and a seal show, and food to taste and buy, so it was fun.

Tomorrow I am going to Lyon with a new girl I met from class who goes is from Spain. Lyon is the gastronomic capital, so there will probably be much more talk of food in the next blog too. Hopefully I'll be able to update tomorrow night if I'm not back too late, if not I will Sunday night. Sunday I am going to the Chauteau de Vizilles and a Grenoble football (soccer) match. I hear they are really bad, so we will see. So I will have lots to do and blog about!

This is me trying and kind of failing to flip a crepe...


  1. Oh Brittan, you are too funny!! I love the video. You'll have to see if there are any open spots for other cooking classes, maybe they added more? I'd love for you to come home and cook for me everyday :) I know the first place Dad and Isaac will be going when we get to Grenoble..nutella shake..dangerous! I think I better go find some elastic waisted pants to bring? Love ya, Mom :)

  2. Salut, Brittan

    Je suis très excitée. J'ai commencée faire ma valise. Nous partons dans une semaine!

    J'aime les crêpes et du fromage, du pain et du vin. Nutella et des gauffres, aussi.

    Il fait beau ici aujourd'hui.

    J'ai achetée notre billets pour le chemin de fer hier et j'ai reçu les billets aujourd'hui.

    Hier soir, ta grandmère et moi sont allées au pièce, "Guys and Dolls". C'était très bon.

    À bientot!

  3. Oh my gosh Brittan I think I need to come to France. I will assume that your mom will have us all over after your trip to look at pictures and have you cook us some amazing French Food. The sun is shining here and it has been like 40 most days. I am LOVING it. Last night was Jacy's last basketball game and she made another basket. We also had dinner with some friends before hand. Jeff and Jacy are at her Derby Car race. She wanted to make a bobsled derby car. I think it turned out pretty cool so we will see how it goes. I am off to the gym and then I need to watch my girlfriends 3 boys for the day while she goes and takes a test. Should be interesting with 5 kids here all day. It will show me how Mom felt. Ok, I am off to the gym. Have a fun weekend. Miss you.
