Thursday, March 11, 2010


Sorry! I have been busy doing stuff, although it doesn't seem like much has been going on to tell...

Monday I went to class and did some errands. Tuesday, we went to the opera. It was well done, but very hot and very long and I couldn't understand what they were saying, so I left at intermission and I still didn't get home until 11:30.

Yesterday I went to class again and did homework. I have really just been doing life, school homework, etc.

I am getting ready to leave for Paris tomorrow though! I am very excited and don't know if I will blog until I next Sunday. My family is coming and it will be great! We're coming back to Grenoble Wed-Friday.

Sorry its boring!


  1. Ce n'est pas ennuyeux. Tu vais à Paris et tu nous rencontras. Je suis très heureuse. Nous partirons ma maison à midi demain.

    À bientôt!

  2. Hey babe - I plan on us blogging and putting pictures up every night we're there! So, in your next blog - tell them to keep checking back....
