Friday, April 16, 2010

its been a while

I know its been a while, but I just feel like nothing has happened to talk about. The fact is that probably lots of stuff has happened but I'm just used to it now since I've been living here so it doesn't feel like anything interesting to write about.
So Monday and Tuesday I had class all afternoon and didn't do much at all. Tuesday I ate a kebab for lunch and had a really hard time eating it! It was huge! I had chicken in it and tons of fries in it and ranch dressing poured on top and it was REALLY good, but REALLY hard to eat. That is also the first time I've seen ranch dressing here, so it was good to have.
Wednesday was really nice in the afternoon. I sat outside at a cafe, ate at my favorite sandwhich shop, and then went to a movie with a friend. We went to a French movie called "Les invites de mon pere"- The guests of my father. It was about an old guy who married a young immigrant so her and her daughter could live in France. It was very French- makes you think about things and brings up social issues and all that. I kept waiting for something to happen though, like in the movies I'm used to, and nothing ever really was so so. I like that I can watch movies and also consider it a "learning experience".
Today I had a very hard test in class, but its over so its just downhill from here. After class I hiked up to the Bastille again, maybe for the last time? It was fun, it started to rain just as I started, but stopped and was very nice out. This past week I have noticed the pollution that is around when you look at the mountains. I don't know why I never noticed it as much before. It isn't awful, I think I always just passed it off as fog, but today it was pretty bad, I hope it doesn't get too bad the mountains are so beautiful.
Tomorrow I may be going to Annecy, which is a pretty town with a pretty lake. Sunday I am going to a French market and then I don't know what else, I might rent a bike and ride that around for the day. I have next week left of school and am leaving the Tuesday after that so I have to make sure that I get everything in that I need to!
A plus tard!
Pretty views of Grenoble, there are plenty of mountains in the background, but you couldn't really see them today
Look to the top of the highest point of the mountain, the one in the middle, I hiked up to that.


  1. Je suis heureuse lire ton blog. J'espère que tu vas visiter Annecy. Vas-tu à Provence, aussi?

    Nous allons à le Premier Eucharist de Jacy dimanche. Je veux que tu irais (probably the wrong form of the verb?).

    Amuse-toi bien la semaine prochaine.

    À bientôt!

  2. That looks like a pretty impressive mountain you hiked. How many feet tall is that one? It looks like the kind of thing that would take you most of the day.
    It's prom night here. Kim and I are going to be blackjack dealers. we know nothing about blackjack, other than what we learned in the movie "21."

  3. Hi brit...I almost missed this post. I got used to not looking. I think I should have made every single one now before you come home. No luck getting Madison out of school for the day tomorrow. I am SO excited to see you. Can you believe your mom is going to be 40 this week!!!! Have safe travels and we will see you soon.
