Wednesday, March 3, 2010

New Class

Yesterday morning I got up early to go to my new class that starts in March at 8:30. I get there and there is a sign on the door saying that the class has been rescheduled for 12:30, great. So I went back home and did some research for trip stuff. I went back at 12:30 for class. The weather was BEAUTIFUL, but I had to sit inside all afternoon. There were people eating lunch outside and I was sooo jealous. It was about 60 degrees. Then after class I went to the tourism office to get some information about the caves of Choranche that I want to visit sometime.

Today I also had class all afternoon. I do like my new teacher though, and we have been learning some good stuff. There was a big storm in the west of France with lots of flooding and lots of deaths, so we have been talking about weather vocaulary. Not really up my alley talking about all of these bad weather things, but oh well. We've watched some interesting video with pictures taken by Yann Arthus-Bertrand who is the most famous photographer in France right now. His specialty is taking pictures from the sky, it was very pretty.

I'm not sure what my plans are for tonight yet...tomorrow I am taking a French cooking class which I am very excited about!


  1. Salut, Brittan

    Je suis très heureuse que il fait beau là. C'est dommage que tu dois partir à la classe et fais tes devoirs.

    J'ai lu au sujet du tempète en France. J'ai pensée de toi.

    J'espère que tu aime bien faire la cuisine.

    À bientôt!

  2. Hi Brit - I am tired. Not much exciting to report. The sun is finally shining around here. Glad your new class is fun. Madison posted only 10 days to see you on FB today. Very cool. Wish I was coming. Miss you.
