Saturday, March 13, 2010

Arrival in Paris

Hello From Paris!!

We made it, it was not an easy trip - but we are here! We left Chicago at exactly 6:28 on Friday evening (right on time). Waited on the runway maybe 10 minutes and we were off. Easily up in the air, had our airplane dinner watched a movie and we were all ready to snuggle in for the remaining 6.5 hour flight. About 2.5 hours into the 8.5 hour flight my aunt Mary said "look at the map on your t.v. screen, we've turned around and are going back". A few minutes later, they come on the intercom and tell us the 2nd computer is down and they are not allowed to go over international waters without a back up computer, so we are heading back to Chicago! So, after 4.5 hours - we are now landing back in Chicago. They kept us on the plane and had maintaince come in and fix the problem. They had to call in a new flight staff and flight attendant crew, and we were off about an hour later.

We were able to contact Brittan when we landed in Chicago, so she made all the arrangements for our apartment in Paris. She then spent the day sight seeing, and avoided the airport all together, not knowing when we would make it. She was at the apartment waiting for us when we got here.

We would all agree that our cab ride from the airport to the Paris apartment was 100 times more life threatening, then any of the plane drama we encountered! I can't even put it into words, so I will not!

We arrived alive to the apartment, and met Brittan. It was absolutely lovely to see her! She is so comfortable here, it will be amazing to spend the week with her! Between her and Madison knowing the language - I'm pretty much off the hook and hanging with them :)

Tonight we went to a cafe for dinner, then walked to the Eiffel Tower. Our apartment is less than 2 blocks from the Eiffel Tower and we are looking right at it from our front door! We saw the Eiffel Tower light up and of course, had crepes right under it! Here are a few pictures from our first evening.
We are very tired and hoping for a great nights sleep. They are in the next room planning our tomorrow, we will try very hard to update every night with a few pictures!


  1. OH MY cool is that. Brittan looks SOOOO happy that you guys are there. What an awesome view. What does Isaac think of it all? We are just getting home. Today was a busy day. We went to the gym in the morning and then Jacy and I spent the day looking for First Communion dresses. We found one maybe that we would consider spending the money on. All the rest were WAY over priced. We looked at viels and she learned what a slip is and we had a nice time. Know that I know what size she needs I think I will just try to order her one online for much less. I may even look at some second hand stores in town. Then we went out with Jen and Scott tonight and the girls are having a sleep over there. We had planned to go to the play The Producers with them for months but we waited too long to get tickets and since the Theatre Cedar Rapids just reopened it was sold out. So instead, you will NOT believe what we did tonight....there was a Roller Derby in Iowa City so we went to dinner and thought we would check it out. It was $12 a person and we got there with about half of it left. Have you ever heard or seen such a sight??? It was like NOTHING I had ever seen and I will have to forward some of the pictures I took on my cell phone. Lets just say I was glad that the girls were not there to see some of the girls gave a whole new menaing to "fish net stockings"! Then we just walked around the Ped Mall in downtown Iowa city and went to a few bars. However, after a short time we realized that our kids are closer in age to the kids in the places we were at then we were...sad, I know. The girls were crashed when we got home. I think it is supposed to be like 50 here tomorrow and we are busy again. We have church and the gym and a birthday party, Indian Princesses meeting and FPU....I also need to pack for Sioux Falls and I will leave later tomorrow night and only go half way. I am tired so I am hitting the sack. Take lots of pictures and someone buy me something yummy that Brittan eats all the time and bring it back for me. Just in case anyone is buying the girls anything "cute girly Paris shirts" Jacy is in a med or 8 and Ava is in a small 5/6. Or they are WAY into scarfs right now and ones that can be a belt too are the coolest...just ideas, no pressure we have everything we need! Glad you all made it safe and have a SUPER DUPER time! Lots of love. Carla

  2. Even though I just got back from a sun filled trip of my own, I am still extremely jealous.

  3. I am so excited for you! I love reading what happened and the photos are great! Thank you for sharing! You all look so wonderful!
