Friday, February 12, 2010

Merci a Dieu, c'est vendredi (TGIF)

Today was a good day in France! School this morning was challenging, mostly because our new teacher didn't explain it well, but it is important stuff so I will probably try to figure that out tonight.

After class I went to my favorite sandwich shop and then went to a cafe with two friends. I ate a tarte au citron which was very good! Then we went to a different cafe because the one we were at was so cold (this is often the case here because electricity is very expensive)
After that we went around to a couple of shops and shopped. This scares me because my plan for tomorrow was shopping not today. But it is hard not to because there are shops all over and everything is very a la mode. Tomorrow a friend and I are going to the mall. I'm just going to wait out this cold weather and start traveling more when it gets warmer.

I'm getting really excited for Nice. My teacher said that I might experience something VERY rare- snow on the boardwalk of the sea. However, I don't really want to see snow, I want to see a beach, but it will be interesting. There is another girl from my class going on the same trip, Thamilla, she is from Brazil. She is very excited to see the snow because yesterday was only her second time of ever seeing snow...I guess I never thought about it but she had to buy an entirely new wardrobe when she got here. They don't sell winter coats in Brazil. I am happy that she is coming on the trip too.

I'm getting to that point where I'm starting to think in French and my English is getting really bad...for example I couldn't remember if it was sandwich or sandwhich...(I think I got it right) its a really weird feeling but its cool!

Au revoir!


  1. J'ai faim. Je voudrais une tarte au citron. J'aime le citron. "Sandwich" est exact. Je suis heureuse que une amie fait le voyage à Nice aussi.

    Au revoir!

  2. I'm wondering if Mary should be required to write her comments in both French & English?

  3. I agree with what Mary said Brittan! We had our ultrasound today. Baby has 2 arms, 2 legs, 4 chambers of a beating heart...and all the other good things! He or she weighs about 10 oz, so I guess it better get growing! All your writings of food make me want to go to France to visit you! Glad you are having fun and we miss you!

  4. Hi Brit - I wonder if Kellys baby has a head? I think Mary could be saying bad things about all of us so she must write in both so that i dont need to spend the time looking up each word she wrote in Google! It sounds like you are really getting some good eats. Jacy had a game tonight. She mad two baskets and one of the girls on the other team was guarding her like she was an extension of Jacys body. Jacy was SO frustrated. She did make 2 baskets though. Then we went to eat Mexican with Matt and Janie for Matts 40th bday. It was yummy and nice to chat with them. We are all tired. I am watching the opening of the Olympics. It is a little odd but I like it. Miss you.

  5. It sounds like you have more snow and cold in France than we have in Iowa. That makes me feel better -- I think.

    We went to visit Kenton in Waverly on Wednesday. Our dining experience at Applebee's was a little different than yours. You just can't get good goat cheese around here.

    Sounds like you're enjoying your trip. We're into the district basketball season in Cedar Falls. The girls won their opening district game for the first time in 7 years, but they beat the team from Walnut Ridge so bad it was kind of hard to enjoy it. Another game Tuesday night.

    Hope it warms up there and here soon. We're enjoying your trip through your eyes.

  6. Oh la la. Neige?! Il y a beaucoup de neige ici. Je pense que j'ecris correctement..? Je ne sais pas. D'accord, je tu verrai en quatre semaines.

  7. Hi Brittan:

    I have been following your very interesting blog from Marys the past two weeks, as grandpa was golfing in florida and I was staying in Dubuque. We are home now and will be following you from home - until I get to join you next month. Make sure the weather is warmer for me. I am tired of cold. Love from Grandma

  8. Hola Brittain!! I thought we might add some language diversity to the mix but I do agree with your mom - Mary AND NOW MADISON - need to post in both languages...I didn't even know that Mary spoke French. I am so enjoying your blog! You make me LOL with some of your comments - like the whole "This scares me because my plan for tomorrow was shopping". Sitting around chatting in a cafe for hours sounds so French - I am jealous! The food sounds amazing - I'm gaining weight just reading your blog. Have a good time in Nice!
