Thursday, February 11, 2010

Une tempete de neige


Well today was actually quite boring. School was challenging, we had a new teacher today. We are learning about thread- really, like the words for knot and untangle, and all that, also there are a lot of expressions that the French use with the word thread (un fil). Kind of weird, maybe it will be useful though.

Then I went into town after school but the weather is pretty terrible here. There was a decent amount of snow, but the snow makes the people go crazy here so the traffic was awful and the tram was running really slow so I just decided to go home since it was too cold. I have not done much else, but now have to get started on my homework.

Tomorrow, I think I'm going to sit on my butt at a cafe all afternoon and eat pastries and drink hot chocolate and wait out this bad weather. Saturday I think I'm going to the one shopping mall here. I wanted to travel around and explore maybe, but it is just really not good weather for traveling right now. Then Sunday is Nice! But I heard it is snowing there which is a really big deal because I guess it never snows there, so we will see how that is..

Okay off to do my homework! bon soir!


  1. hi Brit - When do you come home? I am going to try and run at least a mile every single day for 100 days. I started on Saturday and so far It is interesting how even committing to one mile makes you actually do more and keeps you from slacking off totally. So, I was wondering how long you were there. Maybe my running everyday and posting to Brittan everyday would be done at the same time. Then I think I may be used to talking (one sided, I know) to you every day. You are sort of like my journal. Tomorrow, sitting at a cafe and eating, I am ALL about that. That is totally Ava's style she would be SO excited. Jacy would want to go hike or something. Still really, really, really cold here. I found a sitter for our date on Saturday night. I still dont know what we are doing. I will have to tell you about it. Do you miss Kenton terribly? I bet he misses you. I tried calling your mom and cannot get her so she must be curled up in a ball missing you not able to answer her phone?? Tomorrow is FUN Friday for me and Ava. We are going to get the van serviced and then off to teach Junior Achievment at Jay's school. Then she has a Valentine party in the afternoon and a game at night. We will likly take the girls to dinner and have a specail Valentine party for them tomorrow night as we have sort of alot going on on Sunday. I got them these big balls with red lips in them. They are cool. I also got them some little flashlight things and I think I can going to get them a 6 pack of those mini soda cans in Sprit. They will LOVE that. Miss you.

  2. L'étude du fil--c'est ennuyeux. Je suis hereuse que ton père se trouve un appartement en Paris. Nous nous amusererons! C'est près du tower Eiffel. Je veux prendre l'ascenseur et voir toute la ville. C'est tout pour aujourd'hui.

    Tout à l'heure.
