Friday, February 19, 2010

more or Nice!

Well Wednesday it rained ALL DAY! Which was really too bad, but I still had a good day. Early in the morning, Thamilla (friend from Brazil) and I just started walking, waiting to see what the weather did. We went into a couple of shops, but the weather definitely wasn't going to get better so we just went on with our day as planned in the rain.

We were going to head up the a castle on a hill where there is a great view, and on the way we saw the marche aux fleurs (flower market), which is pretty famous and huge. We looked around at the pretty flowers and homemade foods there and it was really cool.
marche aux fleurs

We then went to the top of a hill where there were some archeological remains and a really cool waterfall. It also had one of the prettiest views, although not so much in the rain. It was huge and there were so many places and interesting things to see, we got lost. On our way back we walked through the old village with cute little streets, it was very fun. We went back to the hotel to get ready to see the bataille des fleurs, and found out that it was cancelled because of the rain. This was really too bad, because I don't know if I'll ever be able to see anything like this agian, but oh well. Instead we went to the museum of Chegall. I had never heard of him before (he's an artist), but I really liked his stuff! After that we dried off and changed and had a 6 hour bus ride home, and then I had a 45 min tram ride home. I got back about 1 in the morning. It was a great trip!

"On of the most beautiful panoramas of the world"


Yesterday I went to class, which I now have to catch up in, and came back and bought some food. Then Nathalie's friend Jacques (who I kareoked with) came over for dinner and we ate fondue- it was SOO good. It is melted cheese in a pot and we had bread and steamed vegetables that we put on a stick and dip it in the cheese.

Today I had class in the morning and this afternoon I have tried to catch up on stuff (cleaning, hoemwork, etc) but have been pretty unproductive. It is raining here today too so I don't have much desire to do anything. Tonight we are having rabbit and gratin dauphinois again! Tomorrow if the weather is nice I am hopefully going to Lyon for the day with Thamilla!

A bientot!


  1. Très intérresant! J'espere que il faisait beau demain.

    J'ai dinée avec ta mère et ta grandmère hier soir. Nous sommes allées à Applebees. Ta père et Isaac ont faits skier.

    Amuse-toi bien à Lyon.

    À bientôt.

  2. Ok, SO it is snowing here AGAIN. Grandma and Grandpa and Cathy and Kelly were going to come to Jacy's game tonight and then we were going to go to dinner and they could not come. Jay scored a basket. She is starting to really get it. I love watching her play. I am watching the news now and all they keep talking about that it is VERY likly that we will have terrible flooding again. If it floods here again I think I will really seriously consider moving far away from this place. There has to be a place where the weather is nice all the time. I just dont know where that is. Let me know if you do. The girls are super into the Olympics. I think it would really suck to work so hard and then possibly screw up in 30 seconds. Ok, I am tired. I am going to a thing at our church tomorrow all day. It is called a Girlfriend Gathering. I have never done anything like this so I hope it is fun. Miss you alot.

  3. Ok Britt - I'm speaking fashion here! I bought a new shirt today, it's so 'French' like. I'm concerned about shoes. All of my boots have heels, can we boot/shoe swap so I don't have to pack so many? But, will you be bringing many to Paris with you? Shoes take up so much room, and I know I don't have good France shoes? What do you think? I'm taking Isaac shopping today for some things. Maybe a new pair of jeans and some long sleeve shirts.
    chow babe....
