Sunday, February 7, 2010


Well yesterday was a busy day... I was extremely tired from the week, but got up to go ice skating with the family. It was fun, but there were SOOOO many kids. It was David (the boyfriend's) 2 kids, her friend's kid, and Maxime and his friend. Plus the 200 other kids on the rink since it was the morning kids were allowed to push these little chairs around to help them. Also, it rained yesterday so was extremely busy because the people couldn't go skiing. After that we went to a Chinese buffet restaurant. It was really good-I liked that it was a buffet because I wouldn't have known what to get. I don't really like Chinese but it was basically just everything fried so it tasted good. Then we went to Sherlock Holmes, in French. I enjoyed it but was sooo tired and sometimes I forgot to think about listening. I didn't understand every word but I got the sense of it. I just stayed home and took it easy last night. I was beat after this long week. I researched some places to visit and went to bed early.

One of my friends from class told me that today the museum of Grenoble is free, so I think thats where I'm going to go for today. Apparantly its the next best art museum outside of Paris? I think I'm venturing out alone so hopefully I'll be able to follow, we always had guided tours in Paris.

I think thats all I've got, not too much happens here on Sundays. Most everything is shut down. The soldes (sales) are all finished now though so thats kind of sad...

Au revoir!

1 comment:

  1. ok Brit - I decdied as long as you post everyday I think I can manage to comment on your post. I am making this a goal. I hope I can keep it up. We just got back from Matt and Janies. They had a super bowl/birthday party for Matt. He turns 40 on Tuesday. It was fun but WAYYYYYY too much food as you can imagine. The girls had fun playing with there cousins. It is snowing here again. They say 6-10 inches. I am not sure if that is ture or just grandma's version. We will see. I am so ready for summer. Miss you. Have a great week at school.
