Monday, February 1, 2010

2nd and 3rd day in Grenoble

Yesterday was pretty uneventful, there is not much to do here on Sundays. Today I took my placement exam at the school. It was pretty easy to get there by tram and train and I made it alright. I took the exam and checked the results online tonight- I'm in class B1+ whatever that means. I'll find out tomorrow. I don't have to be at school until 12:30 pm tomorrow-it will be nice to sleep in. I will either have school from 8:30-12:30 or 12:30-4:30 during the week.

So far the food I've had here has been good. The first night we had pasta, then last night we had "la raclette" which is this device that melts pieces of cheese for each person and then you pour the cheese on potatoes and eat it with meat. It's a regional meal for people from the mountains after a day of skiing, because it is warm and it fills you up. It was really good. Tonight we had couscous which I didn't know if I would like but it was really good!

Today I met some other peope from the AIFS program, and we took the tram to a cafe and sat around for the afternoon. They planned a trip that they will be taking to Italy since they are in a different program and will get a spring break-I am jealous! I will have to get used to going to class and then hanging around and doing nothing for hours. In America everything is much more rushed and there is a lot to do. It is much more relaxed here and there is much more time to do nothing. Something that shouldn't be hard, but I will have to get used to it.

Tonight we also played on the Wii- Just Dance was the game, and my host family loves it. I was actually pretty good and it was fun, you just dance to the songs- they were all American songs. It was fun!

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