Thursday, February 4, 2010

French day

Today I had a pretty French day. I slept in late and then I went for a jog around where I live just to see what was around here because I really hadn't explored it yet. On my way back I picked up a sandwich and I saw an outdoor market. Thats when I felt like I was really in France. They were selling meat and cheese and bread and vegetables and clothing and candles just outside my house! It was really cool I just walked through it.

After class I took the tram to the center of town and went shopping. I bought a pair of boots (everybody wears them here and I needed some). There are mandatory sales right now at all stores here- it goes for about 6 weeks and this is the last week so I had to take advantage. I found some for ten euros- so I bought a pair in brown and black!

I just got back not too long ago so I don't have anything else to say, I probably won't do much tonight. A friend from the program messaged me and said they were going to a movie in an hour, but it would take me 50 minutes to get there probably and my host mom just started making dinner and I'm hungry. So I'm not going to go. I live in a really nice suburb and I like my house- but sometimes thats too bad.

Tomorrow we only have 2 hours of class because there is a presentation on the life of a film maker and then a showing of the movie, "Le Bonheur". I'm going to the presentation but cannot go to the movie because we have a group meeting at "La Bastille" where we will take the telepherique to the top of the mountain- google it its cool!

Thats all I have for now a bientot!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brit - this is the third time I have tried to leave you a comment so we will see if it works. It sounds like a wonderful place to visit. I could really use that pace in my life. However, I would probably last about 5 minutes there. Jacy would be forever asking you, what are we going to do next...what then, what next. I think she must get that from Jeff! I friended Kenton on FB. I thought that would be a good way for me to make sure that he is not curled up in a ball crying while you are gone. I am certain he will make it now that I am his friend on FB!! I love reading your posts. If I had a blog it would say, woke up, snow, cold, get girls ready, drop girls off, go to work, go to gym, get girls, make dinner, read books, play, put girls to bed, work on computer, go to bed, girls come in my bed 4 times during the night, wake up. Start over. I do tend to throw a little excitment in there from time to time. Tonight the girls and I danced and sang at the top of our lungs in the kitchen to Taylor Swift. I flung them around, they just thought it was so fun. I did too! OK, tomorrow is supposed to be Fun Friday for me and Ava and she wants to go to daycare because it is sharing day and they are playing outside and having a pizza party. Boo for me. Oh well...have a fun weekend. I sure wish I was coming with your mom and dad to France. I was not invited. I am super mad at them. I have nothing else going on in my life, I so could have come visited you....just kidding. But I do wish I was going. Ok, I am off to bed. Miss you.
